Say hello to your new daily ritual...


I started drinking fresh organic juices and smoothies about 2 years ago. Not only did I notice the changes within myself - weight loss, increased energy, clear skin, mental clarity and feeling happier and healthier  - but everyone around me was noticing also. I felt great. Everyone would ask, what’s my secret? Green Juices and smoothies I would say. So after discovering the amazing results and benefits first hand I had to spread the word and get everyone on to them.

My first “client’’ was my best friend. She had just had a tonsillectomy and knew she wouldn’t be able to eat solid foods for a while but didn’t want to miss out on her daily nutrients. Every morning for 1 week I would make her a fresh batch of juices and smoothies and deliver them to her door. She said not only did she feel amazing but her healing time was quicker than expected. With word of mouth and social media, I had more people wanting to know more about my juices and smoothies, before I knew it, Raw Wellness was born.



A reason people tend to overeat and struggle so much with calorie counting and potion size yet are still hungry is that their bodies aren’t fully absorbing nutrients. Nutrients are absorbed by tiny hair-like villi along the walls of the small intestines. These villi can get easily clogged and stop the nourishment, no matter how much you eat. Villi are easily clogged by the foods that your body cannot metabolise and utilise efficiently. Clogged by the process foods that most are consuming on a daily basis, foods that contain chemicals, additives, refined sugars, dairy products, excessive animal protein, white flour based foods, toxins on conventional produce.

Don’t you ever wonder why you eat a big mac meal then half an hour later feel hungry??

When your body isn’t absorbing nutrients, your body tells you to keep eating.

Our bodies are screaming for nutrients, and even though you may think you have turned it around, started the new week with a new, nutritious “diet” plan, you still won’t be able to absorb the nutrients efficiently as all you villi is still clogged.



My goal is to revolutionise your long-term relationship with food and your body. As you progress through your juice cleanse, you will begin to experience a multitude of benefits, from greater energy to clearer skin. Your approach to food will also naturally change and, post-detox, you will make healthier food choices almost subconsciously.

My cleanses are the perfect foundation to starting a long-term, healthy and balanced diet and exercise regime. I know that if you have contacted me you want to invest in your wellbeing.



I know it can be quite time consuming and costly to prepare and make juices and smoothies yourself. I plan to make this as easy as possible for you. I will buy the organic produce, juice and blend, then deliver it to your door ready to enjoy. I’ll even pick up the empty bottles and clean them for you.

I strive to provide an experience beyond your expectations.