abouttleeHi! My name is Tammy Lee and I’m a certified holistic health coach and a green juice junkie.

I have always considered myself “healthy” but never actually realised the neglect or damage I was doing to my body. Constant calorie counting and crash dieting – have you ever thought about what that really does to your body?  I think ever since high school I have tried every fad diet on the market and every exercise phenom that was ever marketed by a celebrity. If it worked for them it would work for me, right? I would work out like crazy, restrict my diet and then wonder why I was exhausted and binging.

Having spent the past 7 years in the incredibly superficial fashion industry, my obsession with my weight was at an all time high. I was constantly struggling to keep the weight off, I was partying probably a little too much, I was spending all of my money, and yet I was never truly being 100% happy.

No matter how much I exercised or ate really well I could never lose more than a few kilos without severe calorie restriction and even then I could never sustain that. I was never ‘overweight’ but losing and then maintaining my goal weight was a constant struggle and I was stressed as a result. After a few tests I found out I had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Finally an answer, not a great one but it was something. After doing some research I knew that it was going to be tough but that it could be controlled by diet – I needed extra help to make that happen though.

I started seeing an amazing naturopath, Amanda Haberecht, who helped me immensely through herbs, supplements and introducing me to new foods. Amanda gave me constant support and was incredibly inspirational.. After many consults and extensive research I completely changed my lifestyle, diet and exercise routine. A big diet change was including fresh green juices and smoothies in my daily diet, up to 3-4 a day. The next year I had lost a staggering, yet healthy 12kgs.

It wasn’t until I learnt that this was a lifestyle NOT a diet, I would be eating and living this way for the rest of my life. I felt incredible and it showed – in my body, in my skin, in my hair, EVERYTHING!

For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in health and wellness but it was after starting my own personal  health journey that I decided to take my passion and turn it into my career. I had to follow my dream and go after what I was truly passionate about. Love what you do, and do what you love – I do love this, and I genuinely believe in it.

I spent months looking into several nutrition courses to turn my dream into a reality and I constantly found myself disappointed with the content of the curriculums. I then came across the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. It was the perfect fit for me. Their approach to health and nutrition were  a similar style to my existing beliefs – that each and every one of us are all different and therefore, respond differently to different wellness plans. Health is not just nutrition based – our  health can also be affected by our lifestyle.

I have now graduated and am committed to changing lives one green juice at a time! This is my Passion want to show you how to live in wellness and be truly, holistically healthy and happy.